TikTok user nicolemark28 shared the video of a teacher, Paetyn, and her iconic gift. In the video, Paetyn began taking things out of the bag, starting with a wooden sign that said, “Pumpkin kisses and harvest wishes.” The gifts continued with reasonably appropriate items, like bath bombs, single candy canes and mints, and a foam ornament activity set. Then, the items quickly got more unique, such as a single green reverse Uno card and something she just described as “This.” One of the funniest items was described by Paetyn as “a rock that says ‘Irish Blessings,’ from her to a boy named Levi,” noting, “[I] don’t know who that is. On the back, ‘Levi, please come to the library after school, like asap.’” Paetyn explained that the student scribbled out that note and wrote a message on top to her teacher that said, “You are the best teacher ever, I love you.” The next item was a library book from the “free shelf” at school that didn’t need to be returned, followed by a half-filled word search book and a very sweet homemade card. The teacher then reached for the last item, saying, “this is the best part,” and pulled out a used curling iron. Paetyn recounted the conversation she had with her student, asking about it. She asked them, “Why did you give me a used curling iron?” So how did the student respond? They said, “It’s crappy; I don’t want it anymore.” The video had people laughing, with people commenting things like, “Are you kidding the best part is the half done crossword book I lost it.” Another said, “as funny as it may be, the thought behind it was what matters. you must mean alot [sic] to her.” For what it’s worth, it was a truly memorable gift.