Upon waking up, Hodges aims to drink 40 ounces of water before she eats anything. “This cleans me out, and it helps me gauge throughout the day whether I am actually feeling hunger or dehydration, because sometimes our brain confuses the two signals from our central nervous system,” she explains. Then the rest of the day, she drinks as she feels thirsty, with meals and workouts. “I also talk a lot and teach a lot during the day so I know I feel more thirsty because of my job,” she says of her work as a trainer and health coach. She aims for the full gallon most days but gives herself rest days off of training where she may not consume as much water, one or two times a week. “I love water,” Hodges proclaims. “I notice a huge difference in my joints when I get my gallon a day and when I don’t. I believe I can see a difference in my skin as well and my bowel movements are superb when I drink a gallon." And Kara Freedman, a 28-year-old business owner in New York City, has reported the following benefits from drinking as close to a gallon of water a day as she can: “My skin has never looked better, and if there is a week that I don’t drink as much water, my skin (especially my face) is noticeably different (not as smooth, oiler, etc.). I am also less bloated and my whole body is less swollen. I sleep better when I’m well hydrated. I used to get headaches often and read that drinking more water can help reduce headaches; I have found this to be true.” Drinking a gallon of water a day is something many people, like Hodges, swear by. Beyonce, Karlie Kloss, and Gabrielle Union are also among those who swear by aiming for one gallon as part of their daily wellness routines. And Riverdale’sMadelaine Petsch takes it even further and drinks up to 27 ounces of water a day. But is consuming one gallon of water a day safe? And should you be doing it? Parade.com talked with some experts who shared their thoughts on the trend.

Should you drink a gallon of water a day?

“Hydration status is very individualized and can vary from person to person,” explains Beth A. Czerwony, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition. She notes that the most common recommendation is to drink 8 glasses (8 ounces) of fluids a day, which equals 64 ounces or one-half gallon daily. Czerwony explains that research-wise, there isn’t much to back up the recommendation of drinking one gallon a day. In most cases, she says, this is safe, but warns that it could also cause harm for some if not monitored closely. “Water plays a vital role in the way the body functions, from controlling your body temperature to help eliminating waste products and lubricating joints,” Czerwony says. Thus, staying properly hydrated is definitely important. She says it’s also important to note that some people have higher hydration needs, such as individuals living in warmer temperatures and athletes, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women. The bottom line, per Czerwony, is to stay hydrated. “And that looks different for everyone,” she shares. Dr. Dana Cohen, a physician in New York City and author of Quench, explains that one gallon is equivalent to drinking 16 glasses a day. And while she generally believes drinking that much water as safe, she’s quick to add that it’s not optimal for everyone. “I don’t necessarily recommend but it could be what someone needs,” she says. When it comes to water consumption, there is no one size fits all. Dr. Cohen explains that people have different muscle mass, sweating capacity, sizes. environments, and diets. Thus, it is impossible to know what the optimal amount of water is for each individual. “People have to live in their bodies and be able to gauge on a day to day basis how well they feel and look for signs of inadequate intake,” she explains. “A really good thing is to consider that we are meant to get up and urinate every 2-3 hours while awake.” Dr. Cohen also says to look at the color of your urine as a guide. “It should be straw-colored, not clear and not dark.”

The benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day

Per Czerwony, the benefits of drinking adequate fluids include appetite regulation (often we can confuse hunger for thirst), staying regular with bowel movements, decreasing chances of urinary tract infections, improved athletic performance, improved skin complexion, and less risk for brain fog. Studies also show adequate water consumption positively impacts your metabolism, your mood and also your ability to focus. And if you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, drinking more plain water will decrease the chances of getting dehydrated. Dr. Nicole Avena, assistant professor of Neuroscience at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and author of Why Diets Fail, says, “Increased hydration from water can help weight management, keeping your GI system regular, promote skin health, and even help to prevent headaches.”

Negative effects of drinking a gallon of water a day

For some, consuming a gallon a day may put them at risk of overhydration. This, explains Czerwony, can occur any time you consume more than you need. “People with heart conditions like congestive heart failure or kidney failure need to monitor their fluid intake closely since their bodies are not able to excrete at the same rate as a healthier body,” she warns. Another group that she says should refrain from the gallon of water a day challenge is those that have weakened bladders. It’s also important not to drink too much of your water at once as water intoxication is caused when there is too much water consumed at once —aka 200-300 ounces in a few hours, according to Czerwony. “If this happens, a condition known as hyponatremia occurs, diluting the sodium level in the blood and causing a rapid drop in blood pressure that can be fatal,” she explains. “People could be flushing out their electrolytes by drinking too much plain bulk water,” says Dr. Cohen. She adds that this could cause people to experience leg cramps and not feel or function optimally. “In a rare few, they could flush out so many electrolytes that it could be alarming,” she says, emphasizing that this is very rare.

Tips on getting more water into your day

The first side effect that Czerwony says you will notice from upping your water intake is increased urination. She explains that it will take the body some time to regulate itself with the increased volume. “Other side effects you may see are decreased appetite with some desirable weight loss, improved skin complexion, and more mental focus,” she adds. Whether you’re aiming for a full gallon of water or just trying to stay hydrated, experts note that most of us could stand to sip a few more daily glasses of H20. Allison Gregg, a registered dietitian with the Mayo Clinic, shares the following strategies to help up your water intake:

Keep a water bottle within reaching distance all day: Simply looking at the water will act as a reminder to hydrate. It also takes the excuse out of “I’m too busy to take a break from what I’m doing to go get water.”Jazz it up: Add fruit and herbs to your water. Berries and mint pair perfectly to enhance your water. Even a simple lemon wedge can make your water more appealing.Download an appor set a timer on your phone: There are many apps that help you track your water intake and even send friendly notifications to remind you to drink more. Sometimes we just need a gentle nudge or encouragement.

When Hodges first started her gallon of water a day experiment, she would buy the gallon milk jugs of water at the grocery store each week. Now, she relies on 64-ounce water bottles and fills them up twice throughout the day. “I’ve tried many water bottles and when I cannot see the water I’m consuming, I drink significantly less,” she says. Hodges adds that studies show the visual aspect of completing water does help you consume more and notes that reducing the friction of refilling her water jug throughout the day also helps her to consume more too. She currently relies on clear and reusable water bottles that she only have to fill up twice. “And the ones with the fun phrases and times on the side are very inspiring for water consumption,” she adds.

The bottom line

Czerwony says there isn’t any substantial research on whether or not you should drink a gallon of water a day so a better rule of thumb is to focus less on the magic “one gallon a day” number and instead work on staying hydrated and drinking when you’re thirsty. Dr. Avena adds that it doesn’t have to be a gallon to have a positive impact on your health. “Swapping in just one glass of water instead of juice or soda is a great step toward improving your health,” she explains. And Czerwony says it’s important to make sure you are doing this experiment for the right reasons. “Is it for long-term changes and improvement of health or is it because it’s the most recent fad?” she questions. “Know your level of health and make changes accordingly.” Next up, here are 30 natural appetite suppressants that can help curb hunger. 


Krickit Hodges, a personal trainer and co-owner of GoTRIBE Fitness in Los AngelesBeth A. Czerwony, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human NutritionDr. Dana Cohen, a physician in New York City and author of QUENCHDr. Nicole Avena, assistant professor of Neuroscience at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and author of Why Diets FailAllison Gregg, a registered dietitian with the Mayo ClinicMayo Clinic: “Water: How much should you drink every day?“Nutrients: “Water Intake, Water Balance, and the Elusive Daily Water Requirement"Nutrition Reviews: “Water, Hydration and Health"Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences: “The Effects of Drinking Water on Attention"American Journal of Physiology: “Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.” Really? Is there scientific evidence for “8 × 8"Plos One: “Effects of Changes in Water Intake on Mood of High and Low Drinkers"Science Daily: “Do you really need eight glasses a day?“Time: “Why Drinking Water All Day Long Is Not the Best Way to Stay Hydrated"Medical News Today: “What happens if you drink too much water?“UVA Today: “Everything we think we know about water may be wrong” Should You Drink a Gallon of Water a Day  Benefits   Negative Effects - 36Should You Drink a Gallon of Water a Day  Benefits   Negative Effects - 73