The drama queen, 27, self-eliminated before getting out of limo on The Bachelor earlier this year—to return to her fiancé. Since then, the two have reportedly had problems, and Salley agreed to join BIP season 8. But Salley wouldn’t get on the plane to Mexico and even forced a show producer into the trunk of her car to consult her ex-beau! Only Salley’s suitcase wound up at the BIP resort, as fans saw on episode 2.

How did Salley finally appear in Paradise?

Host Jesse Palmer greeted Salley on Tuesday’s 5th episode. The blonde beauty claimed she’d had work commitments that prevented her from being on time. “I missed three flights but I’m here now,” she smiled to the cameras. Genevieve was horrified to see Salley walk down the steps to the beach and told boyfriend Aaron she’d kill him if he dated her. But Justin, who had earlier split from Genevieve, thought the newcomer could be his ticket to remaining on the show. They had made a connection before at a music festival. “We kissed at Stagecoach,” but Justin hadn’t seen Salley since, he revealed to the other guys.

What did Salley tell the women?

“Work stuff came up and my work comes first,” Salley told the other gals about her late arrival in Paradise. Genevieve speculated to the cameras that Salley was lying and her ex-fiance was what had held her back. Salley also said she needed to find love quick: “I want five kids. I need to get on it fast.” Justin pulled Salley aside for a chat and Shanae told Genevieve she didn’t trust her. The ladies wondered if they should tell everyone that Salley was still involved with her ex.

How did Shanae and Genevieve confront Salley?

The two ganged up on Salley and she admitted she had needed a conversation with her former fiancé before doing BIP. Shanae was curious if Salley and her man were truly over for good, wondering why she had to ask his permission. “It was work,” Salley insisted, but added, “I have respect for the guy I was with before this.” She said others on the show had things they didn’t want to talk about, either! James commented that Salley had come out “guns blazing. She’s not setting herself up for success.” Romeo and Justin spoke to Salley but she cried, “I’m too real for this shit!” Angry about questions from the other women, Salley wanted to leave. She asked producers to turn off her microphone and walked off the show, in the quickest exit in BIP history! The next day, the remaining competitors saw a production worker dragging Salley’s suitcase across the beach after she was long gone. The blonde had lasted for less than an hour! And at the end of the show, bartender Wells Adams mocked Salley’s bizarre behavior.

Who else joined Bachelor in Paradise?

BIP was already guy-heavy, but The Bachelorette castoff Peter arrived at the resort. He quickly took Victoria aside for a chat to brag about his Florida pizza business. Brittany found him attractive and he chose her for his one-on-one date. She boarded a yacht with Peter while back at the resort, Casey called him a douche bag only intent on promoting his pizza company. Brittany found him self-absorbed and when he tried to kiss her, she wouldn’t allow it. After they returned from the date, she told the other ladies that “it was so uncomfortable” with Peter. He admitted to the guys that his kiss had been a miss! Peter thought he was totally charming but Brittany was a phony Instagram model type.

Who was the next guy making a play for Brittany on Bachelor in Paradise?

Andrew decided he would approach Brittany and she said she liked him. The two kissed. “I’m really attracted to you,” Andrew told Brittany.

How did Logan and Shanae get back on track?

While Shanae had first liked Logan, she’d developed a strong attraction for James during their date. Logan decided to arrange time alone with Shanae and gave her his lucky bracelet as a token of his appreciation. Shanae loved his new romantic style and they had a makeout session. “It’s great feeling wanted,” she said. But she sobbed in confessional about being confused in her love triangle.