Sick of bad hair days brought on by damage? You are far from alone. According to a 2020 study conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Hairmax, the average American deals with 96 bad hair days a year. That’s almost 30% of the year, with respondents citing woes such as hair loss, frizziness and oily locks contributing to their less-than-desirable hair days. There are many things that can contribute to damaged hair. Michele Scott-Lynch, CEO and owner of haircare company Bouclème, says that chemical treatments like coloring or straightening, chlorinated water, heat styling tools and rough handling of hair through washing and combing can all lead to damage. In fact, she thinks there’s more hair damage over the last couple of years as a result of the pandemic. Scott-Lynch says, “I’m sure there was a lot of at-home coloring going on, which can be damaging and generally requires the expertise of a professional colorist. This, plus people not being able to get split ends trimmed during the pandemic may have led to more damaged hair.” Jolene Hart, certified health coach and author of the Eat Pretty book series, adds that brushing wet hair, repeatedly wearing hairstyles that stress the hair and not getting enough protein or iron can also weaken one’s strands. Although there are tons of products and hair treatments you can buy off store shelves that can help restore damaged hair, you could instead keep things simple, natural, and wallet-friendly—with ingredients you can find in your fridge or pantry. “Home remedies are great if you’re on a budget,” Scott-Lynch says. “You can just whip something up from ingredients you have in the kitchen, and it won’t cost you the earth. It’s also great fun playing with ingredients and getting fab results with what you have made.” If the idea of DIY hair treatments appeals to you, and you’re wondering how to repair damaged hair fast at home, read on for 15 ingredients you need to try. And, they apply to all hair types, according to Scott-Lynch: natural, textured, relaxed or straight. 

Home remedies for damaged hair

Nourish the hair with extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil isn’t just for your pasta dishes. It’s widely known among haircare aficionados that this DIY at-home hair treatment can work wonders for one’s tresses. Scott-Lynch calls it “a great emollient for softening and nourishing hair,” adding that it’s rich in vitamin E. She also says that its molecules are small enough to penetrate the hair shaft. “Olive oil can help restore moisture and elasticity to dry, damaged hair,” Hart says. She recommends warming a small amount of olive oil in your palms and scrunching it into the damaged areas of your hair from mid-shaft to the ends. Leave the olive oil on for 20 to 30 minutes (you can wrap your hair in a towel during this time if you like), then shampoo and condition as usual. “Try this as a weekly treatment,” she says.

Try a “strength session” with eggs

According to Scott-Lynch, since eggs are a source of protein, they can help strengthen hair. She advises combining one egg with two tablespoons of olive oil and applying the mixture to damp hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then cleanse and condition as usual. She cautions, “Be mindful that too much protein can make your hair feel hard. I recommend only using [this hair treatment] once a month to prevent this.”

Close cuticles with apple cider vinegar

If you’re dealing with frizzy hair, you can help close your cuticles and smooth out rough, damaged strands by using apple cider vinegar. Hart suggests combining a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water, then misting it onto damp hair after shampooing and conditioning. This can be used as a weekly hair treatment.

Thicken your strands with bananas

Perhaps your hair is limp and lifeless these days. To thicken up your strands and strengthen them in the process, Scott-Lynch says that you can turn to bananas, which have silica, a mineral that bulks up hair. Calling this “a perfect deep conditioner,” she shares her recipe for this banana-based hair mask: blend two bananas, two tablespoons of honey, and four tablespoons of olive oil and ensure it’s a smooth consistency. Apply to hair after cleansing and leave on for 25 minutes. Rinse and continue with your conditioner and styling products.

Smooth your locks with mayonnaise

As it turns out, mayo is a lot more than a standard sandwich condiment. It’s actually good for your hair, promoting a soft, smooth look for thick, frizzy hair. Since it has all that beneficial stuff in it (eggs, oil, and vinegar), it has the power to improve hair. You’ll apply one cup of mayo to your hair, comb it in, put on a shower cap, and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing it out and shampooing.

Treat your tresses with honey

Calling honey “a great humectant,” a substance that aids in improving moisture, Scott-Lynch says that it can help draw moisture into the hair while making it shiny, too. “Honey is good to blend with yogurt and an oil of your choice,” she says.

Condition the hair with aloe vera juice or gel

Aloe vera doesn’t just soothe sunburns! Scott-Lynch calls aloe vera juice or gel “an incredible conditioning agent” that consists of 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, and 18 amino acids—also known as things that promote healthy hair growth and restore luster and shine. “Take gel from one aloe leaf and blend with honey and olive oil,” Scott-Lynch says. “Apply to dry hair before shampooing and leave in for 30 minutes.”

Combat dry hair with sunflower oil

Packed with vitamin E, sunflower oil has been touted to moisturize dry hair, smooth split ends, and even make a scalp less itchy. Comb it through damaged hair, leave it on for 20 minutes to an hour and then wash it out.

Give your hair a dose of vitamins with avocados

Hold off on making that guacamole and apply those avocados to your hair instead for a helpful DIY home hair treatment. Scott-Lynch says that avocados are “rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins” that “help to nourish and soften hair.” Simply mash an avocado, mix it with two tablespoons of coconut oil and leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes before shampooing.

Moisturize from the inside out with coconut oil

“A coconut oil hair treatment is all about restoring moisture and elasticity that softens hair texture and prevents future breakage,” Hart says. “It’s wonderful on thick or coarse hair types. Melt a few tablespoons of coconut oil and work through damp hair, focusing on mid-shaft to ends. Leave this treatment on for 20 to 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition as usual. Try this as a weekly treatment.” Scott-Lynch adds that coconut oil has been proven to penetrate through the hair cortex, moisturizing from the inside out. It binds to the protein in the hair and helps retain moisture.

Encourage hair growth with collagen

Hart shares, “This one isn’t topical, but it’s very effective. I recommend adding a daily serving of collagen peptides to your diet to ensure that you have ample amounts of protein, one of the key building blocks for strong hair growth.”

Increase shine with black tea

If sipping tea is already a part of your self-care routine, take it a step further by applying black tea to your tresses. To boost shine, pour some cooled black tea onto your hair and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it out.

Relieve dry tresses with yogurt

If your strands are oh-so-thirsty, look no further than yogurt. Scott-Lynch says that this dairy product contains lactic acid, which is “a great humectant.” She says, “Mix a few tablespoons [of yogurt] with two tablespoons of olive oil and leave it in for 20 minutes. Rinse, then cleanse and condition as usual.”

Soften strands with butter

Yes, butter! All that fat is great for damaged hair, lending itself to improved shine and softness. Keep in mind that you don’t have it melt it before application—simply apply a few spoonfuls of it at room temperature, put on a cap and allow it to sit for one hour before washing your hair.

Repair the hair with rice water

That water that’s left over after making rice? Don’t pour it down the drain just yet. Upcycle it and use it as a hair treatment. “Rice water is a traditional treatment for healthier, stronger hair and hair growth,” Hart says. “It’s packed with minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that support healthy hair and it creates a protective seal for the hair shaft.” She recommends soaking one cup of rice in two to three cups of water for 30 minutes or more, stirring the rice occasionally (the water should become cloudy). Strain the water into a clean jar or spray bottle and store in your fridge until you’re ready to use it. Apply the rice water to freshly washed hair the way you would a conditioner. Let it sit for five to 20 minutes, then rinse again and finish with conditioner, if desired. Use this as a weekly hair treatment. Next up, find out how to have your healthiest hair ever this winter.


Michele Scott-Lynch, CEO and owner of the haircare company Bouclème.Jolene Hart, certified health coach and author of the Eat Pretty book series.OnePoll/Hairmax: “Coping With Bad Hair Days? You’re Not Alone” Home Treatments for Damaged Hair to Repair Hair Naturally - 4