No matter what “home” means to you, this list of quotes is sure to resonate and evoke those feelings of being at peace and secure in your sacred space. Want a fun quote for an Instagram caption showing off your clan snuggled up on the couch? We’ve got that covered. Are you away from home traveling and missing the loved ones left behind? We’ve got quotes about that, too. Maybe you need a sweet message about “home” to write in a housewarming card for a friend? Yep, we’ve got it covered! Read on to see which one of our 75 quotes about home you connect with best!

75 Home Quotes

  1. “Home is the nicest word there is.” — Laura Ingalls Wilder
  2. “If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.” ― Rumi
  3. “Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, a dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.” — Robert Montgomery
  4. “Maybe that’s the best part of going away for a vacation—coming home again.” — Madeleine L’Engle, Meet the Austins
  5. “For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.” ― Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss
  6. “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” — Edith Sitwell
  7. “Home’s where you go when you run out of homes.” ― John le Carré, The Hounourable Schoolboy
  8. “Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need.” — Sarah Ban Breathnach
  9. “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” ― Robert Frost, “The Death of the Hired Man”
  10. “At the end of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I’m going and never have been before.” ― Warsan Shire
  11. “Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore.” — Robin Hobb, Fool’s Fate
  12. “Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.” — Pierce Brown, Golden Son
  13. “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.” — Confucius
  14. “Home wasn’t a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together.” — Sarah Dessen, What Happened to Goodbye
  15. “The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” — Maya Angelou
  16. “Home sweet home. This is the place to find happiness. If one doesn’t find it here, one doesn’t find it anywhere.” — M. K. Soni
  17. “Home is where my habits have a habitat.” ― Fiona Apple
  18. “Home is not where you live but where they understand you.” ― Christian Morgenstern
  19. “A good home must be made, not bought. In the end, it’s not track lighting or a sunroom that brings light into a kitchen.” — Joyce Maynard
  20. “How often have I lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home.” ― William C. Faulkner RELATED: 50 Quotes to Celebrate the Start of Spring
  21. “There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits.” — Robert Southey
  22. “Ah! There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” — Jane Austen, Emma
  23. “Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” ― Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
  24. “Home is where the wi-fi connects automatically.” — Unknown
  25. “Home is what you take with you, not what you leave behind.” ― N.K. Jemisin, The Fifth Season
  26. “When you wrapped your arms around me and held me, I knew that no matter what happened with my life, you were my home.” — Colleen Hoover, Hopeless
  27. “Happiness is a small house, with a big kitchen.” — Alfred Hitchcock
  28. “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” — Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz
  29. “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” — George Augustus Moore, The Brook Kerith
  30. “Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.” ― Cecelia Ahern, Love, Rosie
  31. “A home should be a stockade, a refuge from the flaming arrows of anxiety, tension, and worry.” — Wilfred Peterson
  32. “‘Home’ is any four walls that enclose the right person.” — Helen Rowland
  33. “Good food and a warm kitchen are what makes a house a home.” — Rachael Ray
  34. “Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and only the uprooted comprehend.” ― Wallace Stegner, Angle of Repose
  35. “A house is made of walls and beams; a home is made with love and dreams.” — Unknown
  36. “One never reaches home. But where paths that have an affinity for each other intersect, the whole world looks like home, for a time.” ― Hermann Hesse, Demian
  37. “Home is where one starts from.” — T. S. Eliot
  38. “When you invite people to your home, you invite them to yourself.” — Oprah Winfrey
  39. “If you know you’re going home, the journey is never too hard.” — Angela Wood
  40. “The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there.” — Ellie Rodriguez RELATED: Uplifting Quotes About Change
  41. “Home is where there’s one to love.” — Charles Swain, “Home Defined”
  42. “‘Tis ever common That men are merriest when they are from home.” — William Shakespeare, Henry V
  43. “A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home.” — Chinese Proverb
  44. “Where Thou art—that—is Home.” — Emily Dickinson, “poem 725”
  45. “Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends and family belong together, and laughter never ends.” — Unknown
  46. “There is no place more delightful than one’s own fireside.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero
  47. “Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.” — James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room
  48. “The colours and design of a home should be a reflection of the people who live inside.” — Amy Wax
  49. “One may make their house a palace of sham, or they can make it a home, a refuge.” — Mark Twain
  50. “A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.” ― Benjamin Franklin
  51. “I don’t care if we have our house, or a cliff ledge, or a cardboard box. Home is wherever we all are, together.” ― James Patterson, Maximum Ride
  52. “Consider again that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.” — Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot
  53. “The home should be the treasure chest of living.” — Le Corbusier
  54. “Home is the place where we are treated the best but grumble the most.” — Billy Sunday
  55. “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave and grow old wanting to get back to.” — John Ed Pearce
  56. “If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home.” — Malala Yousafzai
  57. “Home is where you feel loved, appreciated, and safe.” — Tracey Taylor, Stay at Home Mom
  58. “Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.” — John Howard Payne, “Home, Sweet Home”
  59. “He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  60. “If home is where the heart is, then may your home be blessed.” — John McLeod RELATED: 150 Good Morning Quotes to Start Your Day
  61. “Home is where we should feel secure and comfortable.” — Catherine Pulsifer
  62. “Home is wherever you leave everything you love and never question that it will be there when you return.” — Leo Christopher
  63. “A man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” — George Moore
  64. “You feel more like home to me than any place I’ve ever been.” ― Angela N. Blount, Once Upon an Ever After
  65. “Home was not just a cabin in a deep woods that overlooked a placid cove. Home was a state of mind, the peace that came from being who you were and living an honest life.” — Kristin Hannah, The Great Alone
  66. “The home is the one place where we can be ourselves and shut out negativity from the world outside. It’s so important to have a place where we can go and feel protected from it all; it’s something we all deserve.” — Pia Edberg, The Cozy Life
  67. “Let your home be your mast and not your anchor.” — Khalil Gibran
  68. “I want my home to be that kind of place—a place of sustenance, a place of invitation, a place of welcome.” — Mary DeMuth, Live Uncaged
  69. “For our home to be a refuge it needs to be a place where love, compassion, and patience prevail.” — Allan Lokos, Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living
  70. “Three keys unlock the door to a gracious atmosphere at home: Respect, influence, and forgiveness.” — Michael Cannon Loehrer, Porch Talk with Gramps on Parenting
  71. “For there’s never any laughter, howsoever far you roam, like the laughter of the loved ones in the happiness of home.” — Edgar A. Guest, “The Path to Home”
  72. “A home is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as for the body.” — Margaret Fuller
  73. “The longest road out is the shortest road home.” — Irish Proverb
  74. “May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends.” — Unknown
  75. “Home is a shelter from storms—all sorts of storms.” — William J. Bennett Next, check out these 100 Happiness Quotes To Lift Your Mood.

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