According to The Daily Record, Wood lost his balance and fell over a banister, landing below and losing consciousness. Medical staff rushed him to Queen Elizabeth Hospital, where the doctors put him on life support as they checked him over. Wood’s mother, Marion Hawkins, told the publication, “We didn’t know what injuries he had so he was put on a ventilator to keep him stable.“After a series of tests, doctors concluded that Wood had no broken bones and would recover. Hawkins commented on her son’s accident, saying, “It’s a complete miracle he’s still here … I’m glad he never landed on anyone—he could have killed someone.” One witness, Tracy Brown, recalled, “He just came flying down from the Club Deck above and landed in the row right in front of us. People were throwing water over and then everyone screamed and jumped back.” Regarding any investigation, The Daily Record reported that the stadium staff held a safety meeting to look over what happened. Police also told the publication, “There were no suspicious circumstances and the man was seen to by medical staff.” Wood’s mother also spoke with The Sun about how scary the whole experience has been. She proclaimed that Wood will take it easy once he gets home and do nothing dangerous, saying, “I think he’s used up all his chips. All his lives are used up now. And mine as well. He won’t be allowed to do anything where he can get a bruise or bump now.” Hawkins also shared with the publication that as of June 13, that Wood was still in the hospital with the doctors watching him carefully due to his head injury.  Next, find out everything we know about Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde’s romance!